Today in class our professor was talking about "green" issues. We discussed how they can improve the bottom line for the company. How they can help to generate good press for companies. Even when most people only have a marginal interest in environmental issues, seeing that a company is green will create a positive mental image for most people.
"How many people will only buy from green company?"
We all sat there questioning ourselves. No matter how green I say I am, I'm not that stringent.
"Who doesn't care?"
One hand shot up.
I looked at my classmate thinking this thru. This classmate always donates recyclable "trash" to my bucket. He might not care about recycling, but when I made it really easy for him to recycle, he does.
As I left class another classmate asked me if I had enough in my bucket. I smiled, saying I always want more.
"So what you're saying is you want us to waste more?"
"It's not waste! It's recyclable stuff!"
"But it's our waste."
"For me, it's my resources as an artist." This art project is governed by what "trash" I manage to collect.
What is waste to one person, is a precious resource to another person.
Recycling is a foreign word to most people. Waste is waste. It's a left over that needs to be thrown away and cleaned up. But when its easy, even people who could care less will recycle.

Believe it or not, this is actually an English Calligraphy Script. It will be part of my next art piece.
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